Nonprofit Rebrand


Innocence project of Florida


I had heard about this project from previous students and was very eager to do it myself as I entered my Visual Branding class. My professor presented us with the project brief, “Students will research multiple charitable organizations, and identify one in need of a re-brand. Through extensive research of your organization, (scale, services, mission, etc), students will develop a refreshed design strategy which leverages and enhances/streamlines your charity’s specific capabilities.” After we designed a new logo for the brand we needed to create a style guide to present our new brand to the company. For this project I chose to rebrand the Innocence Project of Florida, which is a nonprofit organization that gets wrongly accused people out of jail and works to reform the criminal justice system as a whole. I chose this nonprofit for my project because my sister had previously worked for them and I have a personal connection to the project. 


Nonprofit Rebrand
Visual Branding
